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General Terms and Conditions

Fusion Jet s.r.o.
Antala Staška 1859/34, Krč, 140 00 Prague 4
Czech republic

VAT: CZ17671051

I. Object of the contract

With this contract, the Provider (as principal) undertakes, as part of its business activity, to procure air transport for the Applicant (as principal) in accordance with the dispositions listed below, and the Applicant undertakes to pay the Provider a fee for this. The interested party further undertakes to pay the Provider the price for air transportation (hereinafter referred to as the "Price"), while the Provider's remuneration is already included in the Price.

II. Cancellation Policy

The interested party is entitled to cancel the flight (air transport) by a unilateral notification delivered to the Provider before the scheduled Departure. Upon delivery of such a notice of cancellation, the Provider's obligation to provide air transportation pursuant to this contract ceases, and the Interested Party is obligated to pay the Provider a monetary cancellation fee in the amount determined in contract.

III. Certain Other Rights and Obligations of the Parties and Terms and Conditions

Statement of the Interested Party

The interested party is aware that air transport is by its very nature very variable and whether or not an individual flight is carried out depends on a number of circumstances (passenger needs, weather, availability of flight space, flight restrictions, air traffic control instructions and many others), therefore the conclusion of this the contract was preceded by a non-binding request from the Applicant for the possibility of securing air transport, with the provision that the Provider checked the availability and offers of individual carriers on the basis of this request, with whom the Applicant was introduced; air transport according to this contract will be procured by the Provider for the Applicant according to his request and specification with a specific carrier chosen by the Applicant.

The interested party acknowledges that the provision and implementation of the agreed air transport is mainly dependent on the timely binding reservation of the flight with the selected carrier, when the binding nature of such a reservation is usually conditional on payment, i.e. the interested party acknowledges and agrees that the Provider will make the appropriate reservation and payment to the carrier for the Applicant only on the condition that they receive payment of the agreed Price from the Applicant in time; in the event of the Applicant's delay in paying the agreed Price, the Provider bears no responsibility for the possible impossibility of securing air transport or for any damage caused thereby.

In the event of force majeure, i.e. in the event of any extraordinary, unforeseeable, unavoidable circumstance or event that is not the fault of the carrier or the Provider, which prevents the execution of the flight, or prevents the execution of the flight according to the agreed conditions, the Applicant is obliged to change the flight conditions accordingly ; if the Applicant does not agree to the change and - if in such a case the obligation to carry out the flight is unfulfillable due to force majeure, it ceases.


As part of the Price, air travel will include, in particular, a one-way or return flight between the specified point of departure and arrival, arrival and check-in of the aircraft, provision of crew and standard airport charges.

As part of the Price, air transport will not include any additional costs, in particular the cost of de-icing the aircraft, the cost of airport opening fees for flights outside normal airport operating hours, the cost of special customs clearance. The Applicant is obliged to pay these costs separately, whenever he is asked to do so by the Provider or the carrier.

In the event of delay by the Applicant in paying the agreed Price, the Provider is entitled to withdraw from this contract, either in writing or by notification to the Applicant's electronic address specified in this contract. The effects of withdrawal from the contract occur upon delivery of the notice of withdrawal to the Interested Party. In such a case, the contract is cancelled from the beginning.

Obligations of the Applicant in relation to the flight

The interested party is obliged to respect and comply with the rules and requirements of the carrier regarding the execution of air transport, in particular to arrive at the place of departure on time together with other possibly involved persons, to have with them all the necessary, especially travel, documents to participate in the flight, to act in such a way that did not mess up or disturb the execution of the flight, notify the Provider and the carrier in time of all facts that are essential for the execution of the flight or could disturb or threaten it, follow all instructions of the carrier and the Provider in connection with the execution of the flight.


According to this contract, the Provider will procure air transport for the Applicant with the carrier, by carrying out actions on behalf and on behalf of the Applicant or on his behalf. The contract for the execution of the transport is thus concluded directly by the Interested Party with the carrier. By concluding this contract, the interested party authorizes the Provider to carry out all legal negotiations and actions necessary to procure air transport according to this contract. According to the express agreement of the parties, the Provider is only obliged to provide the Applicant with the possibility of air transport on the basis of this contract, but is not responsible to the Applicant for the implementation or non-implementation of the air transport, nor for its possible defects or deficiencies. Any potential claims related to air transport are the responsibility of the Applicant to be made with the air carrier. The Provider undertakes to provide the Applicant with support and cooperation to the extent necessary in connection with the application of such claims by the Applicant against the carrier. According to the agreement of the parties, the interested party is not entitled to demand compensation from the Provider for any damage incurred in connection with air transport or this contract.

Communication of the parties

Documents sent between the parties on the basis of this contract are deemed to have been delivered to the other contracting party on the third day after dispatch, if they are sent by registered mail to the above-mentioned addresses of the contracting parties, or to other addresses that the contracting party expressly and in writing indicated during the term of this contract for correspondence as well as personal delivery. Messages sent electronically are considered delivered on the day they are sent.


The contract can only be changed in writing. The parties have read the agreement, agree with its wording and attach their signatures as proof of this. This contract is drawn up in two copies, one for each contracting party.

Effective date 1. 7. 2023

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